2011년 9월 14일 수요일


Welcome to the Korean Language Program designed to support your daily learning of the Korean language at UCSD.

Here are some tips for using this website:

In the Course Information section, you will find general information about the program. The Course Description and Course Objective sections provide more detailed information about three different levels of classes: LTKO 1 A-B-C (beginning), LTKO 2 A-B-C (intermediate), LTKO 130 F-W-P (advanced), and LTKO 135 (Readings in Sino-Korean Characters).

The Placement Test and Proficiency Test sections provide an opportunity for you to assess your current Korean language ability. To find out who teaches Korean in this program, check the Teaching Staff section. For more in-depth study of Korean, explore the Useful Links section.

Learning the Korean language is the best way to experience and appreciate the beauty of Korea, its traditions, and culture. You can also discover fascinating information about Korea through the Useful Links section.

Please send any comments, suggestions, or "bug reports" about this page to: jeyseon@ucsd.edu.

2011년 9월 12일 월요일

Course Information

Course Offering Sequence in 2024-2025 Academic Year

Fall 2024
Winter 2025
Spring 2025
LTKO 135

Course Structure
LTKO 1A, 1B, 1C & LTKO 2A, 2B, 2C: meet five times a week in class.
LTKO 130F, 130W, 130P (previous LTKO 3A, 3B, 3C): meet three times a week in class.
LTKO 135: meet three times a week in class.

Course Materials
LTKO 1A, 1B, 1C [First-Year Korean: Beginning I, II, III]
1. Essential Korean Beginning 1, 2, 3 (will be posted on Canvas)
2. Essential Korean Beginning Workbook 1, 2, 3 (same as above)
3. Korean-English & English-Korean dictionaries
LTKO 2A, 2B, 2C [Second-Year Korean: Intermediate I, II, III]
1. Integrated Korean Intermediate 1 & 2 (available at the bookstore in the Price Center)
2. Integrated Korean Intermediate  Workbook 1 & 2 (same as above)
3. Essential Korean Idioms (same as above)
4. Essential Korean Proverbs [2B & 2C only] (same as above)
5. Essential Korean Neologism (will be posted on Canvas)
6. Korean-English & English-Korean dictionaries
LTKO 130F, 130W, 130P [Third-Year Korean: Advanced I, II, III]
1. Integrated Korean High-Intermediate 1 & 2 (available at the bookstore in the Price Center)
2. Integrated Korean High-Intermediate Workbook 1 & 2 (same as above)
3. Essential Korean Idioms (same as above)
4. Essential Korean Proverbs (same as above)
5. Essential Korean 4-Character Idioms (same as above)
6. Essential Korean Neologism (will be posted on Canvas)
7. Korean-English & English-Korean dictionaries

LTKO 135 [Readings in Sino-Korean Characters]
1. Korean Reader for Chinese Character (available at the bookstore in the Price Center)
2. Essential Sino-Korean Idioms (will be posted on Canvas) 
3. Korean-English & English-Korean dictionaries

Course Requirements (Sample: LTKO 2A)
1) Attendance
Attendance at every class is mandatory. Exceptions will only be made for occasions where official documentation for the absence can be obtained (e.g., medical emergency). An official document will be required for each excused absence. Five absences are permitted without affecting the student's grade. Each subsequent absence will result in a deduction of points from the total score. If your absences are 10 times or more, you will automatically get an F.
2) Participation
Active participation in class discussions and activities is a key component of the course. The primary language used in class is Korean. Students are not permitted to speak English in class, especially concerning issues unrelated to the lessons. Each tardy arrival (5 minutes or more) will result in a deduction of points from the total score. Students are also expected to bring all handouts (posted on the Korean language course Canvas), textbooks, workbooks, or course materials required for each class. Points will be deducted for any missing items.
3) Homework assignments (including reading assignments by due dates)
Late homework assignments will NOT be accepted.
4) Presentation
Students will deliver group or individual presentations during the quarter. Evaluators will assess preparation, fluency, grammar, pronunciation, sentence structure, vocabulary, and audience response. Detailed guidelines will be provided in class.
5) Bi-weekly exams and Final exam
Exams cover only materials discussed in class. There will be NO make-up exams without a valid reason for absence. To take a make-up exam, an official document justifying the absence will be required. If a student requests a make-up exam without an official document, they will receive 70% of the total points.

Grading Policy (Sample: LTKO 2A)
Your final course grade will be determined by your performance on several components of your activities.

1) Attendance (3 pnt) and Participation (7 pnt)               10 points * 50 times = 500 points
2) Homework assignments                                            
    Grammar / Reading                                                     10 points * 15 times = 150 points
    Writing (double-space minimum 2 pages)                   30 points * 3 times = 90 points
3) Oral presentation                                                                     
    Speech Practice                                                            30 points * 3 times = 90 points
4) Bi-weekly exams                                                         100 points * 3 times = 300 points
5) Final exam                                                                   200 points * 1 time = 200 points   
                                                                                         (Total 1330 points)

To recognize achievements and monitor progress, the Korean language program requires a realistic and meaningful grading system. Generally, an "A" grade is awarded to acknowledge achievements that exceed specified course requirements and criteria. Such performances may not always be explicitly outlined beforehand due to their nature. "A"s are reserved for special efforts that surpass expectations by demonstrating exceptional linguistic abilities, skills, development, commitment, or creativity. In this course, "B", "C", and "D" grades are awarded for praiseworthy above-average performance, satisfactory average performance, and minimum passing performance, respectively. Students who do not meet the minimum course standards will receive an "F" grade.

             A- = 90 - 92.9 %                   A = 93 - 100 %
             B- = 80 - 82.9 %                   B = 83 - 86.9 %                          B+ = 87 - 89.9 %
             C- = 70 - 79.9 %                   C = 73 - 76.9 %                          C+ = 77 - 79.9 %
             D- = 60 - 69.9 %                   D = 63 - 66.9 %                         D+ = 67 - 69.9 %  
             F = 0 - 59.9 %

2011년 9월 5일 월요일

Useful Links

Vocabulary Activity: Quizlet

LTKO 130F, LTKO 130W, LTKO 130P: 

Essential Korean Neologisms: 

Learning Korean Online

Korean Newspapers & Television

Useful Search Engines

Korean fonts & stuffs

Government Related


Korean Universities


2011년 8월 9일 화요일

Course Descriptions


Beginning Korean: First-Year I, II, III

LTKO 1A - Beginning Korean: First Year I

First year Korean 1A (5 units) is the first part of the Beginning Korean series. This course is designed to assist students to develop low-beginning level skills in the Korean language. These skills are speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as cultural understanding. This course will begin by introducing the writing and sound system of the Korean language. The remainder of the course will focus on grammatical patterns such as basic sentence structures, some grammatical points, and expressions. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following in Korean:  

Speaking: Students are able to handle successfully a limited number of uncomplicated communicative tasks by creating with the language in straightforward social situation. Conversation is restricted to some of the concrete exchanges and predictable topics necessary for survival in the target-language culture. They can express personal meaning by combining and recombining what they know and what they hear from their interlocutors into short statements and discrete sentences.

Listening: Students are able to understand some information from sentence-length speech, one utterance at a time, in basic personal and social contexts, though comprehension is often uneven.

Reading: Students are able to understand some information from the simplest connected texts dealing with a limited number of personal and social needs, although there may be frequent misunderstandings.

Writing: Students are able to meet some limited practical writing needs. They can create statements and formulate questions based on familiar material. Most sentences are re-combinations of learned vocabulary and structure.

Prerequisite: No prior study of Korean is required.

LTKO 1B - Beginning Korean: First Year II

First Year Korean 1B (5 units) is the second part of the Beginning Korean series. This course is designed to assist students to develop mid-beginning level skills in the Korean language. These skills are speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as cultural understanding. LTKO 1B is designed for students who have already mastered the materials covered in LTKO 1A or who are already in the equivalent proficiency level. This course will focus on grammatical patterns, such as sentence structures, some simple grammatical points, and some survival level use of the Korean language. Additionally, speaking, reading, writing, and listening comprehension will all be emphasized, with special attention to oral speech. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following in Korean: 

Speaking: Students are able to handle successfully a variety of uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward social situations. Conversation is generally limited to those predictable and concrete exchange necessary for survival in the target culture. They are capable of asking a variety of questions when necessary to obtain simple information to satisfy basic needs.

Listening: Students are able to understand simple, sentence-length speech, one utterance at a time, in variety of basic personal and social contexts. Comprehension is most often accurate with highly familiar and predictable topics although a few misunderstandings may occur.

Reading: Students are able to understand short, non-complex texts that convey basic information and deal with basic personal and social topics to which they bring personal interest or knowledge, although some misunderstandings may occur. They may get some meaning from short connected texts featuring description and narration, dealing with familiar topics.

Writing: Students are able to meet a number of practical writing needs. They can write short, simple communications, compositions, and requests for information in loosely connected texts about personal preferences, daily routines, common events, and other personal topics.
Prerequisite: LTKO 1A or an equivalent level of proficiency in Korean language.

LTKO 1C - Beginning Korean: First Year III

First Year Korean 1C (5 units) is the third part of the Beginning Korean. This course is designed to assist students to develop high-beginning level skills in the Korean language. These skills are speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as cultural understanding. LTKO 1C is designed for students who have already mastered LTKO 1B or who are already in the equivalent proficiency level. This course will focus on grammatical patterns such as sentence structures, some simple grammatical points, and some survival level use of Korean language. Additionally, speaking, reading, writing, and listening comprehension will all be emphasized, with special attention to oral speech. Upon completion of this course, students will become able to do the following in Korean: 

Speaking: Students are able to converse with ease and confidence when dealing with the routine tasks and social situations. They are able to handle successfully uncomplicated tasks and social situations requiring an exchange of basic information. They can narrate and describe in all major time frames using connected discourse of paragraph length, but not all the time.

Listening: Students are able to understand, with ease and confidence, simple sentence-length speech in basic personal and social contexts. They can derive substantial meaning from some connected texts, although there often will be gaps in understanding due to a limited knowledge of the vocabulary and structure of the spoken language.

Reading: Students are able to understand fully and with ease short, non-complex texts that convey basic information and deal with personal and social topics to which they brings personal interest or knowledge. They are able to understand some connected texts featuring description and narration although there will be occasional gaps in understanding due to a limited knowledge of the vocabulary, structures, and writing conventions of the language.

Writing: Students are able to meet all practical writing needs of the basic level. They also can write compositions and simple summaries related to work and/or school experiences. They can narrate and describe in different time frames when writing about everyday events and situations.

Prerequisite: LTKO 1B or an equivalent level of proficiency in Korean language.

Intermediate Korean: Second-Year I, II, III

LTKO 2A - Intermediate Korean: Second Year I

Second Year Korean 2A is the first part of the Intermediate Korean. Students in this course are assumed to have previous knowledge of Korean, which was taught in the Korean 1A, 1B, and 1C courses. Students in this course will learn low-intermediate level skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Korean, as well as expand their cultural understanding. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to acquire and use more vocabularies, expressions and sentence structures and to have a good command of Korean in various conversational situations. Students are expected to write short essays using the vocabularies, expressions, and sentence structures introduced. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following in Korean:

Speaking: Students are able to handle a variety of communicative tasks. They are able to participate in most informal and some formal conversations on topics related to school, home, and leisure activities. Students demonstrate the ability to narrate and describe in the major time frames in paragraph-length discourse. They show the ability to combine and link sentences into connected discourse of paragraph length.

Listening: Students are able to understand short conventional narrative and descriptive texts with a clear underlying structure though their comprehension may uneven. They understand the main facts and some supporting details. Comprehension may often derive primarily from situation and subject-matter knowledge.

Reading: Students are able to understand conventional narrative and descriptive texts with a clear underlying structure though their comprehension may be uneven. These texts predominantly contain high-frequency vocabulary and structure. Students understand the main ideas and some supporting details. Comprehension may often derive primarily from situational and subject-matter knowledge.

Writing: Students are able to meet basic work and/or academic writing needs. They are able to compose simple summaries on familiar topics. They are able to combine and link sentences into texts of paragraph length and structure. They demonstrate the ability to incorporate a limited number of cohesive devices.

Prerequisite: LTKO 1C or an equivalent level of proficiency in Korean language.

LTKO 2B - Intermediate Korean: Second Year II

Second Year Korean 2B (5 units) is the second part of the Intermediate Korean. Students in this course are assumed to have previous knowledge of Korean, which was taught during the Korean 1A, 1B, 1C, and 2A courses. Students in this course will learn mid-intermediate level of standard modern Korean in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as expand their cultural understanding. After the completion of this course, students are expected to acquire and use more vocabularies, expressions, and sentence structures and to have a good command of Korean in various conversational situations. Students are also expected to write short essays using the vocabularies, expressions, and sentence structures introduced. Upon completion of this course, students will become able to do the following in Korean: 

Speaking: Students are able to handle with ease and confidence a large number of communicative tasks. They participate actively in most informal and some formal exchanges on a variety of concrete topics relating to work, school, home, and leisure activities, as well as topics relating to events of current, public, and personal interest or individual relevance.

Listening: Students are able to understand conventional narrative and descriptive texts, such as extended descriptions of persons, places, and things, and narrations about past, present, and future events. The speech is predominantly in familiar target-language patterns. They understand the main facts and many supporting details.

Reading: Students are able to understand conventional narrative and descriptive texts, such as extended descriptions of persons, places, and things and narrations about past, present, and future events. They understand the main ideas, facts and many supporting details. Students may derive some meaning from texts that are structurally and/or conceptually more complex.

Writing: Students are able to meet a range of work and/or academic writing needs. They are able to write straightforward summaries on topics of general interest. There is good control of the most frequently used target-language syntactic structure and a range of general vocabulary.

Prerequisite: LTKO 2A or an equivalent level of proficiency in Korean language.

LTKO 2C - Intermediate Korean: Second Year III

Second Year Korean 2C (5 units) is the third part of the Intermediate Korean. Students in this course are assumed to have previous knowledge of Korean, which was taught during the Korean 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A and 2B courses. Students in this course will learn high-intermediate level of standard modern Korean in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as expand their cultural understanding. After the completion of this course, students are expected to acquire and use more vocabularies, expressions, and sentence structures and to have a good command of Korean in various conversational situations. Students are also expected to write short essays using the vocabularies, expressions, and sentence structures introduced. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following in Korean:

Speaking: Students can perform all intermediate-level tasks with linguistic ease, confidence, and competence. They are consistently able to explain in detail and narrate fully and accurately in all time frame. In addition, they may provide a structured argument to support their opinions, and they may construct hypotheses. They may demonstrate a well-developed ability to compensate for an imperfect grasp of some forms or for limitations in vocabulary by the confident use of communicative strategies.
Listening: Students are able to understand, with ease and confidence, conventional narrative and descriptive texts of any length as well as complex factual material such as summaries or reports. They are able to follow some of the essential points of more complex or argumentative speech in areas of special interest or knowledge.
Reading: Students are able to understand, fully and with ease, conventional narrative and descriptive texts of any length as well as more complex factual material. They are able to follow some of the essential points of argumentative texts in areas of special interest or knowledge. In addition, they are able to understand parts of texts that deal with unfamiliar topics or situations.
Writing: Students are able to write about a variety of topics with significant precision and detail. They can handle informal and formal correspondence according to appropriate conventions. They can write summaries and reports of a factual nature. They can also write extensively about topics relating to particular interests and special areas of competence.
Prerequisite: LTKO 2B or an equivalent level of proficiency in Korean language.


Advanced Korean: Third-Year I, II, III

LTKO 130F - Advanced Korean: Third Year I

Third Year Korean 130F (4 units) is the first part of the advanced Korean. Students in this course are assumed to have previous knowledge of Korean, which was taught in the Korean 2A, 2B, and 2C courses. Students in this course will learn low-advanced level skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Korean, as well as expand their cultural understanding. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to acquire and use more vocabularies, expressions and sentence structures and to have a good command of Korean in formal situations. Students are expected to read and understand daily newspapers and daily news broadcasts. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following in Korean:

Speaking: Students are able to communicate with accuracy and fluency in order to participate fully and effectively in conversations on a variety of topics in formal and informal settings from both concrete and abstract perspectives. They discuss their interests and special fields of competence, explain complex matters in detail, and provide lengthy and coherent narrations, all with ease, fluency, and accuracy. They present their opinions on a number of issues of interest to them, and provide structured arguments to support these opinions.
Listening: Students are able to understand speech in a standard dialect on a wide range of familiar and less familiar topics. They can follow linguistically complex extended discourse. Comprehension is no longer limited to the listener's familiarity with subject matter, but also comes from a command of the language that is supported by a broad vocabulary, an understanding of more complex structures and linguistic experience within the target culture. Students can understand not only what is said, but sometimes what is left unsaid.
Reading: Students are able to understand texts from many genres dealing with a wide range of subjects, both familiar and unfamiliar. Comprehension is no longer limited to the reader's familiarity with subject matter, but also comes from a command of the language that is supported by a broad vocabulary, an understanding of complex structures and knowledge of the target culture. Students at this level can draw inferences from textual and extralinguistic clues.
Writing: Students are able to produce most kinds of formal and informal correspondence, in-depth summaries, reports, and research papers. They demonstrate the ability to explain complex matters, and to present and support opinions by developing cogent arguments and hypotheses. They demonstrate a high degree of control of grammar and syntax, of general vocabulary, of spelling or symbol production, of cohesive devices, and of punctuation.
Prerequisite: LTKO 2C or an equivalent level of proficiency in Korean language.

LTKO 130W - Advanced Korean: Third Year II

Third Year Korean 130W (4 units) is the second part of the advanced Korean. Students in this course are assumed to have previous knowledge of Korean, which was taught in the Korean 2A, 2B, 2C and 130F courses. Students in this course will learn mid-advanced level skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Korean, as well as expand their cultural understanding. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to acquire and use more vocabularies, expressions and sentence structures and to have a good command of Korean in formal situations. Students are expected to read and understand daily newspapers and daily news broadcasts. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following in Korean:

Speaking: Students are able to communicate with accuracy and fluency in order to participate fully and effectively in conversations on a variety of topics in formal and informal settings from both concrete and abstract perspectives. They discuss their interests and special fields of competence, explain complex matters in detail, and provide lengthy and coherent narrations, all with ease, fluency, and accuracy. They present their opinions on a number of issues of interest to them, and provide structured arguments to support these opinions.
Listening: Students are able to understand speech in a standard dialect on a wide range of familiar and less familiar topics. They can follow linguistically complex extended discourse. Comprehension is no longer limited to the listener's familiarity with subject matter, but also comes from a command of the language that is supported by a broad vocabulary, an understanding of more complex structures and linguistic experience within the target culture. Students can understand not only what is said, but sometimes what is left unsaid.
Reading: Students are able to understand texts from many genres dealing with a wide range of subjects, both familiar and unfamiliar. Comprehension is no longer limited to the reader's familiarity with subject matter, but also comes from a command of the language that is supported by a broad vocabulary, an understanding of complex structures and knowledge of the target culture. Students at this level can draw inferences from textual and extralinguistic clues.
Writing: Students are able to produce most kinds of formal and informal correspondence, in-depth summaries, reports, and research papers. They demonstrate the ability to explain complex matters, and to present and support opinions by developing cogent arguments and hypotheses. They demonstrate a high degree of control of grammar and syntax, of general vocabulary, of spelling or symbol production, of cohesive devices, and of punctuation.
Prerequisite: LTKO 2C or an equivalent level of proficiency in Korean language.

LTKO 130P - Advanced Korean: Third Year III

Third Year Korean 130P (4 units) is the third part of the advanced Korean. Students in this course are assumed to have previous knowledge of Korean, which was taught in the Korean 2A, 2B, 2C, 130F and 130W courses. Students in this course will learn high-advanced level skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Korean, as well as expand their cultural understanding. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to acquire and use more vocabularies, expressions and sentence structures and to have a good command of Korean in formal situations. Students are expected to read and understand daily newspapers and daily news broadcasts. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following in Korean:

Speaking: Students are able to communicate with accuracy and fluency in order to participate fully and effectively in conversations on a variety of topics in formal and informal settings from both concrete and abstract perspectives. They discuss their interests and special fields of competence, explain complex matters in detail, and provide lengthy and coherent narrations, all with ease, fluency, and accuracy. They present their opinions on a number of issues of interest to them, and provide structured arguments to support these opinions.
Listening: Students are able to understand speech in a standard dialect on a wide range of familiar and less familiar topics. They can follow linguistically complex extended discourse. Comprehension is no longer limited to the listener's familiarity with subject matter, but also comes from a command of the language that is supported by a broad vocabulary, an understanding of more complex structures and linguistic experience within the target culture. Students can understand not only what is said, but sometimes what is left unsaid.
Reading: Students are able to understand texts from many genres dealing with a wide range of subjects, both familiar and unfamiliar. Comprehension is no longer limited to the reader's familiarity with subject matter, but also comes from a command of the language that is supported by a broad vocabulary, an understanding of complex structures and knowledge of the target culture. Students at this level can draw inferences from textual and extralinguistic clues.
Writing: Students are able to produce most kinds of formal and informal correspondence, in-depth summaries, reports, and research papers. They demonstrate the ability to explain complex matters, and to present and support opinions by developing cogent arguments and hypotheses. They demonstrate a high degree of control of grammar and syntax, of general vocabulary, of spelling or symbol production, of cohesive devices, and of punctuation.
Prerequisite: LTKO 2C or an equivalent level of proficiency in Korean language.

Advanced Korean: Readings in Sino-Korean Characters

LTKO 135: Readings in Sino-Korean Characters (4) 

Students in this course will learn advanced and superior-level Sino-Korean vocabulary and characters, skills in reading and understanding advanced Korean materials, and expand their understanding of Korean culture. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to have acquired an expanded vocabulary, knowledge of various expressions using Sino-Korean vocabulary and characters necessary for an advanced and superior level of proficiency in Korean. Sino-Korean characters are used differently from the same Chinese characters used in contemporary China in terms of pronunciation, meaning, and word formation.
Sino-Korean words represent over 70% of the Korean vocabulary at an advanced and superior level. Since most modern Korean is written phonetically in Hangul, however, the semantic connections between related words are not readily transparent to most learners without Chinese character instruction. This course can help students retain new Sino-Korean vocabulary over a short period of time.
Prerequisite: LTKO 2C or an equivalent level of proficiency in Korean language.